Once again we would like to say a thank you to the 360 Parents and Carers who took the time to complete our 2023 survey and share your lived experiences of SEND services in Milton Keynes.
Following the recent publication of PACA MK (Parents and Carers Alliance Milton Keynes Parent Carer Forum) 2023 SEND Services survey results, we have been reviewing the results with the SEND partnership in MK and are pleased to share the co-produced plan of action.

The plan of action contains the Parents/ Carers Voices and current concerns along with information on how the SEND Partnership in MK intend to/have addressed the concerns that have been raised, along with timescales and how you as parent/carers will be kept updated.

PACA Parent Representatives

Our PACA reps meet with decision makers to share the experiences of parents and to ensure that their views are heard. PACA Reps attend Five Workstreams linked to the MK SEND Strategy. They are:

If you are a parent carer and would like to know more about becoming a parent rep, please see our PACA Reps Page