What does PACA do?

Our school transport sub group meets every term with a representative from the Milton Keynes to School Travel Support service. We give feedback from parents and work together on a number of issues.

Please contact us is you have any feedback on current issues.

School Transport and Me

PACA MK and MK City Council have co-produced a pupil passport called “School Transport and Me”. It is similar to a one page profile and has been designed to support families and transport providers to work together to best support children and young people on school transport. This passport has been piloted and the feedback has been very positive.

Applying for School Travel Support

This can be done via Milton Keynes City Council’s website. Following feedback from PACA MK, there is now a clearer option on the website to avoid the default offer of a bus pass “Apply for Alternative/SEN transport when a bus pass is not suitable”

Where do I go for help?

If you have a problem or concern about your own child/young person’s individual arrangements, you should;

  • Raise the matter directly with the operator initially. If this is not successful;
  • Phone Milton Keynes City Council’s School Travel Support service. It is important that they are aware of issues as they arise. Lines are open between 7.30am – 5pm Monday-Friday 01908 252526 Email: STS@milton-keynes.gov.uk
  • Please also refer to the code of conduct and any letters you have been sent which will include contact details

The Council’s website contains information about eligibility and how to apply for school transport, links to leaflets and documents, information about personal travel budgets.


MKCC School Transport Policy

Click on the following links for other useful information:

In car Safety Centre, Milton Keynes information about car seats and specialist equipment

Contact – for families with disabled children, school transport page

IPSEA – Home to school transport – understanding your rights