Preparing for Adult Life

A step by step guide, written for parent by parents. Includes useful links to local resources and contacts, to help you along the way.


A report by reveals that for young people with SEND, becoming an adult can feel like falling off a cliff edge.
Kids has identified key recommendations and areas for action to improve transition support.
Read the report here.

Looking after your young person’s health into Adulthood
Parents did you know?
GPs offer Annual Health Checks for Young People with Learning Disabilities (aged 14 yrs and above)
Your child may already receive care from Paediatricians or Specialist Nurses but it is important for your GP to get to know your child to support their health needs and make sure the transition from children’s to adult services is a smooth one Check out the link below on the Local Offer.

Useful resources and links

MK SEND Local Offer – Support for young people and Preparation for adulthood

Transition to adult social care – Transition – moving from Children’s to Adults support services
The move away from children’s health and support services and towards adult ones.

Making finance decisions for young people: parent and carer toolkit
This toolkit provides a guide for parents and carers to make financial decisions for a young person who lacks mental capacity.

MK SENDIAS for young people

NDTi – Preparing for Adulthood: All Tools & Resources

Time to Talk – Supporting young people with SEND to plan for the future

Future Wolverton Limited Work related experiences at The Old School, Wolverton

Contact – Feel better prepared when your child moves on from child to adult services.